Get your US Passport photo,
acceptance guaranteed.

No need to leave home, just take a photo with your smartphone.

Creating US Passport photo online with your smartphone
Sample image of a US Passport photo made with your smartphone with Snap2Passus flag

US Passport photo requirements

Passport photo requirements to create photo online
  • Size:2 x 2 inches

  • Resolution:300 dpi

  • Position:Head covers 65% of the photo

  • Background Color:

  • Official Site

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How to take a photo?

Follow these simple instruction to take the perfect ID photo.

right distance for taking a photo for the perfect passport photo

01Body-camera distance

When taking your photo, it is recommended to make sure that the distance between you and the camera or smartphone is between 50 cm and 2 meters. This will ensure that the photo is clear and of high quality. To achieve this distance, you can ask someone to help you or use a tripod to hold the camera or smartphone. Alternatively, you can take a selfie, but make sure that your head, neck, and the upper part of your shoulders are visible in the picture.

correct way to take a passport photo to make it online
do not smile while taking a passport photo

02Posture: straight ahead

It is important to position your face in the center of the image and to keep your head straight, not tilted in any direction. The entire face, including you hair must be visible in the photo. You should look directly at the camera with your mouth closed and eyes open. A neutral facial expression is required, meaning no smiling or making any kind of face. This will ensure that your photo is a clear representation of your appearance, meeting all the requirements.

correct way to take a passport and visa photo
avoid shadows on your face for your passport photo

03Lighting on both sides of the face

To ensure the best quality passport photo, it is recommended to take the photo in natural light. The best time to take the photo is during a bright day, this will ensure that your face is evenly illuminated on both sides. Your photo should not have any shadows and all your features such as eyes, nose, mouth, and ears should be clearly visible. This will make the photo suitable for the requirements.

Guidelines and regulations

Important details when you're taking a US Passport photo photo

For anyone planning to apply for a passport, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the requirements for the passport photo required. In the United States, the government has specific guidelines that need to be met to ensure that the photo meets the necessary standards. A passport photo is an important component of the application process, and taking the time to follow the guidelines can make a significant difference in the success of your application.

Here are the requirements that we will comply for your US Passport Photo:

  • Color: The photo must be in color.

  • Background: The background of the photo should be plain and light-colored, with no patterns or decorations that may distract from your face. This is to ensure that the focus remains on your features and not on the background. It's also important to make sure that your face is centered and directly facing the camera, with a neutral expression. This ensures that your features are clear and visible. You should have your both eyes open and looking directly at the camera.

  • Glasses: Glasses can be worn in the photo, but there should be no glare on the lenses, and the eyes should be visible. Sunglasses are not allowed.

  • Headgear: Headgear is only allowed if it is worn for religious or medical reasons. In such cases, the face must still be visible.

  • Clothing: The clothing worn in the photo should be normal, everyday attire. Uniforms or costumes are not allowed.

  • Quality: The photo must be printed on matte or glossy photo-quality paper. It must be of high quality, with no blurring or shadows.

  • The photo should be recent, taken within the last six months. This is really crucial, as it is required by the officials to ensure that the photo accurately reflects your current appearance.

The total set of US passport photo requirements can also be checked in the official website here:

Here are the some additional details if you are here to renew your US passport:

Before you begin the online renewal process, it is important to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for online renewal. You may be eligible for online renewal if:

  • You were previously issued a passport that is undamaged and in your possession.
  • Your passport expired fewer than five years ago.
  • You are able to pay with a credit or debit card.
  • You have a tourist passport.

In conclusion, the passport photo you submit is a crucial element of the passport application or passport renewal process, and it's important to pay attention to the details to ensure that your application is successful. By taking the time to understand and follow the guidelines, you can increase your chances of a successful application and avoid delays or rejection. A high-quality passport photo is essential, so please make sure to take the time required to get it right. You will not regret it.

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